World Franchise

Production of gelato products according to the PURO Gelato concept with business exclusivity within one region in the ideal environment of the so-called „shadow factory“, an already functioning (separate) production facility with shared rent, employees, etc. and the right to sell frozen gelato to third parties.

  • license fee: $10,000
  • licence fee: 2% of monthly turnover
  • handling fee: 1% of monthly turnover
  • marketing: own investment 1% of turnover/month

Usual investment PURO:Factory: EUR 100,000 (applicable to machinery and equipment) + EUR 50,000 (cooling/freezing box, preparation room, dishwasher… construction modifications)

  • license length: 5 years + option for another 5 years

Model operation of the PURO Gelato gelateria



Samoobslužný výrobní automat na jeden druh točeného PURO Gelata Express s čerpadlem a auto-pasterizačním cyklem (až 42 dnů).

Kapacita až 315 porcí/hod (75 g) gelata k výdeji žetonem, mincemi, nebo platbou kartou/ chytrým telefonem.